BEAR wants to take a big bite out of unhealthy snacking habits Grrr!That is why all our BEAR snacks are made of real ingredients and are barely processed. BEAR keeps it deliciously clean and fun!

The BEAR promise
BEAR makes natural, tasty and fun treats that only contain the goodness of fruit. Made with real fruit. A unique combination that makes the healthier choice simpler for parents and more fun for kids.BEAR fruit snacks are available in different shapes, sizes and fruit flavors. Grrr...

No added sugar
*Not a low calorie food. See nutrition info for calories and sugar content.

Made with real fruit

Never from juice concentrate
To preserve what nature provided. Source of fiber, vitamins & minerals.
How we make our products
We use real ingredients that grow on trees and fields and slowly dry them with great care. We never put sugar, concentrates or other nonsense additives in our products.
What you see is what you get. Grrr...
BEAR grunts when he thinks of other fruit snacks that are meant for children and are made from highly concentrated fruit juices and thickeners that are cooked at high temperatures! Grrr…
The story of BEAR
The BEAR founder read an article about how bears had moved into cities to forage from behind junk food joints and bins. These 'city bears' were 30% fatter than their wild bear friends eating salmon and wild berries. They were also 30% less active and sadly all dead by the age of 10, whilst over 60% of the wild bears lived on healthily.
The story resonated with us, as we found that people and families were always growling about how hard it was to get fruit into their diets. We promised to search the world for healthy snack alternatives to processed foods! And so BEAR was born!